February 2004 : Vol.1
- Issue 6 |
If you have some news/experience
you would like to share with us, write to us at info@ngoconnect.org |
up call : As more and more activists get
murdered, NGOs and the public are asking questions
female condom is launched: It has been mooted
as the best answer to women's right over her body
and for the control of not only reprodu\ction but
also against HIV but it is still to expensive for
WSF : At the end of it all it was
a great energizing space that allowed a lot of people
to feel-good!
stories : The Coca Cola agitation led to
the High Court stopping the soft drink giant from
drawing water at the village because of drought
since 1998 the Society for Participatory Research
in Asia has been engaged in mapping the Non-profit
sector in India. Its 10th working paper provides
some glimpses .
: Greenpeace activists demand information
on the field-trials of 60 genetically modified crops
but were stonewalled by officials from the Department
of Biotechnology.
Sue them! : A major
gathering of health activists in Mumbai plans to
call for law suits all over Asia against drug multinationals
who have been using patent laws that makes essential
and life saving medicines expensive and inaccessible.
away AIDS : Usually blamed for transporting
the dreaded AIDS virus on their inter-state haul,
a group of truckers are now carrying a message of
a different kind across India - that of awareness
and prevention.
- Awards
: The Sanctuary Lifetime Service Award presented
to an individual who has devoted his life to protect
India's wildlife and their habitat went to Arjun Billy
Singh who has been protecting the Tigers in Dudhwa
since four decades.
The latest books and films - a list of documentary
films shown at the Festival of Docufilms in Khatmandu.
up call |
Delhi: Nearly seven years ago,
Shri Chandrashekhar who was merely exercising
his right to speech was murdered in day light
by the henchman of a don who continues to adorn
our Parliament. Two years ago Navleen Kumar an
activist working with the tribals in Thane, Mumbai
was ferociously stabbed to death in her own apartment
at dawn. Some months ago, engineer Shri Satyendra
Dubey, who steadfastly refused to succumb to pressures,
was murdered in Gaya, when he tried to expose
corruption in highway construction.
Hardly a few weeks ago two more activists, Sarita
and Mahesh, were brutally murdered in Gaya. Sarita
and Mahesh were working in Shabdo village to help
local community achieve a sustainable and equitable
use of land resources. This antagonised the local
land mafia, partly because it involved reclaiming
common land that had been encroached by powerful
gangs. Last Saturday, Sarita and Mahesh were stopped
by heavily armed men as they were travelling on
a motorcycle, and shot at point blank range.
The pattern in these cases is much the same -
anyone who antagonises vested interests or corporate
interests, is vulnerable to elimination. The state
machinery typically fails to respond, in fact,
it is hand in glove with the criminals in many
cases. There are umpteen instances when social
activists have been abused, threatened by life,
and assaulted, by those who want to polarize money
and power and rule over those whose rights are
abused. This also puts a very valid question on
the democracy, if we are one.
A dharna was held at: Sardar Patel Chowk, near
GPO, Lucknow on January 31, 2004
By the NAPM, and supported by Saajhi Duniya, Citizen's
Campaign Against Fascism, WAMA, 'Maiswa', Healthwatch
(UP), NFI, Task Force and others. Contact : 9415022772
(Arundhati Dhuru), 2347365 (Sandeep Pandey), 98390
A protest dharna at Jantar mantar, Delhi to protest
the killings of Sarita and Mahesh was also held
on February 4 by the NAPM, Socialist front,
NCPRI, Anhad, Lokayan, NCRF, Nacodor,Vasudhiava
kutumbakam, Jan abhiyan, BGVS trust, Insaaf
Kanpur: To campaign against criminalization
of politics a huge cycle rally, begun from
IIT Kanpur to Gaya on 15th February ending on
12th March, was organised by Asha, Parivartan,
Referring to the deaths mentioned above, including
those of Graham Staines and his sons, the activists
said, "All these deceased persons were voices
of conscience in their areas, often fighting injustice
and corruption and questioning the status quo
of vested interests. They had to ultimately pay
in terms of their lives for the causes that they
were working for. It is a sad state of affairs
of our society that these legends were working
for bringing about a change in society towards
betterment and we were not able to guarantee their
safety. It is also a threat to democracy that
people working for change through peaceful means
are done to death by criminal elements who often
are able to deceive the law and order machinery
and go scot free.
Besides seeing the perpetrators of the crimes
brought to justice, it is a question of freeing
the Indian political system from the clutches
of criminal and corrupt elements. Today the nexus
of politicians-administrators-contractors ably
helped by criminals reigns supreme. This nexus
has to be broken. A larger exercise for cleaning
up the Indian political system needs to be taken
up. We have to ensure that criminal and corrupt
elements don't get elected as people's representatives.
Instead we would like candidates who truly represent
common people's interests, are genuine and honest
and most importantly have a record of serving
the people get elected. For this we need to campaign
for awareness among people so that they are empowered
about electing the right candidates and are not
taken in by the opportunist politicians.
Supported by Aruna Roy, Arvind Kejriwal, Trilochan
Sastry, Medha Patkar, Sandeep Pandey
Top |
Female condom launched
Delhi: "Female
Condom", the first female initiated prevention
option was launched in India on February 13,
2004, by Union Family Welfare secretary to Government
of India, Mr PK Hota, in New Delhi amidst a
gathering of over 300 NGO partners. This will
be a big boon to millions of women who weren't
in a position to negotiate or insist on male
condom usage with their partners putting them
at risk of contracting an array of sexually
transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and
unwanted pregnancies. Many prevention programmes
find that including the female condom actually
increases both male and female condom use.
"Female Condom", is a hopeful answer
to the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, and is a partnership
between Government of India's HLL (Hindustan
Latex Limited) and FHC (Female Health Company)
Dr.Mary Ann Leeper, COO of Female Health Company
(FHC) said that most of the studies done show
that number of protected sex acts increased
upon introduction of female condom, by 25-35%,
in Thailand, US, Zimbabwe and Ghana.
Twenty-eight NGOs who conducted
acceptability and feasibility studies in Andhra
Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra discussed their
experiences of service delivery and as users
of the female condom. High use of female condom
(over 90%) was reported in Indian study. Srinivas
of Nrityanjali Academy in Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh, called it a"breakthrough
initiative which gives an opportunity to talk
about taboos on sex in India". Hanif, of
Udaan Trust, Mahipal Singh, Samabhavna
Trust Mumbai, Maharashtra, representing MSM
population said that female condom 'encourages
dialogue between partners for better decision
making on sex related issues and prevention'.
Woman representatives of the sex workers collective
'Saheli' in Pune, Maharashtra, said that
female condom is very good and a fallback option
when customers refuse to use male condom.
The Female Condom is a soft transparent polyurethane
sheath inserted in the vagina hours before sexual
intercourse. It seems to have the same percentage
of protection as a male condom that is dependant
on correct and consistent use.
Presently manufactured by The Female Health
Company , and is marketed by the Hindustan Lever
Limited as Confidom and Rani in
India. through commercial venues and through
social marketing. The volume of sales that the
company intends to target in the coming year
is 1 million.
At present, the cost of a single condom is Rs
45,and the company is hoping to bring it down
to Rs 20/25 after negotiations with the Government,
while the NGOs feel they should be sold at Rs
3/ or be given free.
Get ready for March 20
20th March is International Protest Day, ONE
year since the United States of America &
its allies launched its attacks against the
people of Iraq. There is a global call to organise
movements internationally in the form of demonstrations,
protest marches and meetings calling for the
United States to leave Iraq immediately.
People Against War, a coalition of human
rights and public interest groups, unions and
concerned citizens in Mumbai is in the process
of planning the event and seeks your participation,
cooperation and assistance to help organise
a protest to effect an immediate end to the
occupation of Iraq. Contact:Melanie dsouza"
The last two months have seen hectic activity
in the NGO world. It is obvious that NGOs are
beginning to be seen positively as the only
non-political, non-governmental way to empowering
the poor and enlightening the not-so-poor.
The World Social Forum was at one level, the
"if you weren't there, you don't exist"
kind of event for NGOs, but at the back of everyone's
mind was the realization that many people who
couldn't make it to the event were still working
with their communities. For Mumbaikars it was
yet another event in their calendar of Events
event many people drove all the way to Goregaon
to witness. Those who did were not disappointed
left in awe of the number of issues that were
left loose by governments, ignored by the people
and often misinterpreted by the media.
It also brought into focus the amount of work
the NGOs have been doing, have to do and will
have to do in the future. The Government is
becoming more and more aware that it needs the
NGOs to deliver health messages and education
to the villages and the vulnerable in the cities.
The NGOs are also now aware that change can
be achieved faster if they work with the government
handling different levels, but working for the
same cause. Especially in the case of HIV, Education
and Trafficking NGOs and the government have
to work hand-in-hand.
The Marathon also showed Mumbaikars there were
many NGOs that are not fighting for issues to
be resolved but are working at grassroots for
education of the underprivileged. If the WSF
was for advocacy of issues, the Marathon ran
for those who worked at these issues. It was
a scene that was to be cherished, as colours
flew with the wind and feet ran to a beat. The
beat was and the cheers were for the men and
women, the boys and girls who epitomize Mumbai:
the will to fight.
And now for the finale of the WSF and Marathon:
the March 20 People against War campaign is
the culmination of standing up and saying that
you believe in Peace and not aggression
Top |
It was a 6-day Event with a
capital E
and the E was for Energy and
Everyone. Despite all the glitches it was a
mammoth task extremely well-managed. The media
went agog over the personalities, but not the
issues. The "other media" held cetnrestage
with their theatre and their music and vibrance.
The NGOs had a field day literally as they net-worked
and met old friends and made new ones. The foreigners
got a taste of India in one place they could
never have gotten otherwise. Small sheds saw
Big Issues being discussed by people across
the board- farmers, activists, educationists
Mumbai got a glimpse of "another world
(that) is possible."
Give Peace a chance!
A workshop was organized by South Asia Peace
Initiatives (SAPI) a conglomeration of 15
organizations on ' South Asia Peace Initiatives
and Conflict Resolution' with avowed objective
to see that South Asia remains peaceful and
possible extinction of rancour and nasty strife
which dents on the realization of the people's
democratic rights and aspirations. The speakers
included Mr. Ravi Nair of South Asian Human
Rights Documentation Centre, Delhi, Mr. Peter
Jacob of Pakistan Justice and Peace, Ms. Saloni
Singh, Didibahani, Nepal and member of Peace
for Global Sisterhood and
Mr. Newton Fernando of Justice and Peace Srilanka
who alls poke of the ethnic strife in their
various countries.
In the end Fr.Rudi Heredia concluded that peace
was the fulfillment and contentment of life.
He quoted Gandhi that 'No Justice without law'.
Ambedkar 'Peace with Justice' and Tagore 'Peace
with harmony' According to him peace could be
achieved through proactive humanist action,
through empowerment process and commitment towards
secular enlightenment and modern values. Let
us give much needed peace a chance, he hoped.
On January 19th, 2004, Aanchal
Trust did a workshop on Lesbian Activism in
a patriarchal society at the WSF. The panel
consisted of Geeta Kumana, Chairperson and Managing
Trustee of Aanchal Trust, Rosanna Flamer-Caldera
of Women's Support Group (WSG) Sri Lanka and
Emily Oritz an advocate in Boston working on
same-sex violence rights. They all talked of
the difficulties faced by lesbians and the groups
from society
and sometimes within their
own groups. And they discussed ways of keeping
active despite their problems. The hall became
full in the end with women.
Check www.aanchal.org
The Marathon in pix
And the people of Mumbai came out all of seven
Dream kms to cheer the runners of the Marathon.Most
of the runners for the Dream run were NGOs representatives
who took the opportunity to showcase their cause
and name and to run for their cause. Whether
funds were received by them is yet to be confirmed.
But they all found sponsors for their runners.
Top |
Getting Tough on Soft Drinks
Cochin: It's been a long and strenuous fight,
but the Coca Cola Virudha Samara Samiti, the
forum fighting against the soft drink giant,
Coca Cola has got the Kerala cabinet to put
a ban on the company drawing the ground water
from Plachimada in Kerala where they have their
manufacturing facility for four months, "Because
of drought conditions," (See NGOConnect
Pg.1, Vol. 1/ of 03)
.) The Samiti leaders
however plan to continue their stir against
their use of ground water.
Mapping the NGOs in M'ra
Mumbai: Since 1998 the Society for Participatory
Research in Asia has been engaged in mapping
the Non-profit sector in India. Its 10th working
paper provides some glimpses. It is estimated
that there were about 88,000 active NPOs in
2000, 60% in the rural areas. About 77% were
registered formal units and the personnel engaged
in the entire sector numbered approximately
10.8 lakhs consisting mostly of unpaid volunteers
(8.2 lakhs). There were very few full-time volunteers
(43,000) while there were 2.2. full-time paid
Religious organizations (35%), followed by community
and social welfare services (30%) and educational
institutes (14% dominated the scene. In the
communities sector, which comprises 30% of the
entire NPOS sector, it was children who got
the major share of attention (18.5%) with youth
following (16.2%).
Total funds received the sector in 1999-2000
was approx Rs. 1,055 crore with foreign contributions
amounting to Rs. 305.2 crore (2.89%).
NGOs spent Rs 10.13 billion in 1999-2000 and
had total assets worth Rs 50.64 billion.
Nearly 74% of NGOs had one or none aid employees
and the major part- 80% do not even have an
annual budget of Rs. 50,000. (Source "Philanthropy
No.91) Contact centphil@vsnl.com
Top |
Protecting biodiversity. |
New Delhi/ Even as Indian representatives
maintained a stoic silence on the issue of protecting
Indian bio-diversity at the Convention of Biodiversity
(CBD) in Malaysia, Greenpeace activists demanding
information on the field-trials of 60 genetically
modified crops were stonewalled by officials from
the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) today.
Greenpeace activists met Dr. T. V. Ramanaiah at
the DBT office to follow upon their long-pending
demand for a comprehensive list of - all GM crops
undergoing field trials, the corporations involved,
the locations of trials and corresponding Monitoring
and Evaluation Committee (MEC) reports, information
on GM imports into the country etc.. This information
is crucial given that the irreversible, uncontrolled
and potentially dangerous release of GMOs will
have an irreversible effect on agricultural biodiversity
Earlier, on 2 September 2003, Greenpeace activists
questioned their decision to expedite the release
of risk-laden GM-variety of potatoes and bypass
the required regulatory processes including biosafety
assessments. On that occasion too, the DBT had
refused to part with information on specifics
regarding the controversial 'potato'.
Why would the government refuse to give us critical
information despite repeated requests? Why does
the USDA have more information than Indian farmers
on the GMO crops being grown in India? Why did
the government fail to oppose Monsanto's patent
on Indian wheat?"asked Divya Raghunandan,
GE campaigner, Greenpeace India, "Powerful
multinational corporations seem to dictate the
Indian government's policies on agriculture."
On 21 May 2003, the EPO at Munich granted a patent
(Patent No. EP445929) to Monsanto on wheat that
has been bred, cultivated and processed in India
for decades. The Government's only option now
is to support Greenpeace' opposition to the patent
and save Indian farmers from the ignominy of taking
permission every time they grow wheat for chapatis.
Contact: Divya Raghunandan, GE Campaigner, Greenpeace
India: +91 9845535406 draghuna@dialb.greenpeace.org |
Top |
Call for law suits all over
Asia-PHM |
A major gathering of health activists in Mumbai
plans to call for law suits all over Asia against
drug multinationals who have been using patent
laws that makes essential and life saving medicines
expensive and inaccessible to low-income consumers.
The call for a legal campaign against drug patents
is part of an international effort to build moral
pressure on companies and force them to place
the lives of people before corporate profits.
The People'sHealth Movemen tmade a call to make
medicines affordable and accessible: The International
Health Forum for the defense of People's Health,
held on 14 and 15 January in the run up to the
World Social Forum, also called upon governments
all over the world to put health at the center
of all their
policy making and priorities. Over 700 delegates
from 50 countries are expected to attend the Forum
organized by the People's Health Movement.
People's Charter for Health, the guiding spirit
of the People's Health Movement is the largest
consensus document on health in the world. Jan
Swasthya Abhiyan, the Indian collaborator of the
global PHM facilitated the International health
Contact:98450 91319 Unni or 2614 7727 , 2613 2027
Top |
Driving away AIDS |
A100-odd truckers, waging a war against the scourge
of HIV/AIDS under the aegis of All India Transport
Welfare Association (AITWA). Usually blamed for
transporting the dreaded AIDS virus on their inter-state
haul, a group of truckers are now carrying a message
of a different kind across India - that of awareness
and prevention. They have seen their colleagues
die ignominious deaths, leaving their families
on the death row. And now they are determined
to put a stop to it and instead generate awareness
on the national highways - the highest HIV/AIDS-prone
zone in the country.
Founded in 2001, with 8,500 offices and 850,000
members, AITWA has rolled out a caravan of trucks
titled "Raston Ka Rahee-Jaagriti Rath".
Flagged off by Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
from Haryana Jan 7, the truckers will cover 1,100
high-risk points across the country over the next
two and a half years. "I know many of my
fellow truck drivers who died of AIDS after indulging
in unsafe sex with street walkers on the highways,"
said Rajendrabhai Parmar, one of the truckers
in the caravan from Vadodara, This caravan has
so far crossed the national highway in Gujarat,
covering dozens of villages and wayside eateries
in the state. At each stopover, AITWA will put
up a documentary film featuring real life cases
of HIV/AIDS affected truckers and their lives.
The film has been translated into the various
languages of the states through which the caravan
will pass.
A team of health officers and volunteers is also
accompanying the truckers.The total cost of the
campaign is pegged at Rs.500 million. A survey
conducted by AITWA in the high-risk points across
the country revealed that approximately seven
percent of truckers were infected with HIV and
more than 31 percent were afflicted by sexually
transmitted diseases (STD).
Ashok Goel, managing director, Bombay Ludhiana
Roadways (BLR, who is coordinating the AIDS awareness
project among the truck drivers, was along with
a few representatives of AITWA to follow up on
the drive they carried out in Gujarat last week.
The AITWA and BLR are jointly working on the scheme
to install condom vending machines at roadside
eateries, petrol pumps and transport hubs across
the country. "Launching the caravan was the
first step in our fight against HIV/AIDS on the
Indian highways. In order to sustain our mission
in the long run, we require active support from
the central government," said Goel.
(Indo-Asian News Service) |
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Awards |
The fourth Sanctuary Wildlife
Awards were presented in Mumbai in December.
The Lifetime Service Award presented to an individual
who has devoted his life to protect India's
wildlife and their habitat went to Arjun
Billy Singh who has been protecting the
Tigers in Dudhwa since four decades.
Wildlife service awards conferred
on individuals currently working in the field
of wildlife conservation who have displayed
extraordinary courage, dedication and determination
went to Bhupen Talukdar from Assam who
has been saving the endangered Indian one-horned
rhino, Girish Vashisht from Maharashtra
working in the Taboda-Andhari Tiger Reserve,
where along with anti-poaching work he improved
the conditions of the forest. Sarang Kulkarni
from Reef Watch, Mumbai has been doing yeomen
study of the coral reefs in the Andaman islands.
T Venkatesh was the bane of timber smugglers
at the Bhadra Tiger reserve in Karnatka. Abdul
Rahman Mir of J&K has been risking his
ilfe to protect the forests of Dachigam in the
Kashmir valley; Arvind Kumar Chalasani
from Dehra Dun is the quintessential Green teacher.
(The awards were sponsored by ABN-AMRO Bank,
The Wildlife photographer Award went to MDParashar
from Rajasthan, Runners-up were NC Dhingra and
HV Praveen Kumar.
Top |
Media |
STD Education Made Easy
TNVHA have produced a CD on"Educating
People on STI" in Tamil with colourful
pictures,words and voice explaining each section.
It can be used by
both for a group or for individual self-learning.
contact us regarding the same.
CD Title : STD (Tamil)
Duration : 21 Minutes
Features : STD Pictures, Content in Text, Audio
in Tamil
Cost : Rs. 150
Playable : through VCD / Computer
Contact J.P.Saulina Arnold email:tnvha@eth.net
Documentaries can be fun!
The fourth edition of the festival of South
Asian documentaries, Film South Asia '03, was
held in Kathmandu . Fifteen outstanding films
will be travelling over the subcontinent and
the world.
List of Films
Bhedako Oon Jasto - In Search of a Song ...
(55 min)
Nepal, 2003, dir - Kiran Krishna Shrestha
Winner of the Special Mention at FSA '03
A well-known Nepali journalist, goes in search
of the source of an old song.
Buru Sengal (The Fire Within) (57 min)
Jharkhand/India, 2002, dir-Shriprakash
Winner of the Grand Jury Award at FSA '03
The land of the Tana Bhagats in Jharkhand, India,
a peaceful sect of the Oraon tribe who follow
a Gandhian lifestyle and philosophy, is today
beseiged by Naxalite violence.
The 18th Elephant-3 Monologues (62 min)
Kerala/India, 2003, dir-P. Balan
Winner of Ram Bahadur Trophy for the Best
Film at FSA '03
This film is a critique of modern man's mercenary
attitude towards nature and his anthropocentric
conception of development trhough the sad plight
of the elephant.
Godhra Tak: The Terror Trail (60 min)
Gujarat/India, 2003, dir-Shubradeep Chakravorty
The film investigates in journalistic form the
Godhra train burning and subsequent rioting
that killed 3,500 Muslims in Gujarat, India
in February, 2002.
Hunting Down Water (32 min)
India, 2003, dir - Sanjaya Barnela and Vasant
India's present water crisis is of its own making.
..swimming pools in cities, rain dances and
water amusement parks have led to rural poor
being forced to migrate.
Itihaas Jitneharuka Laagi (History for Winners)
(55 min)
Nepal, 2003, dir - Pranay Limbu
It portrays the changes in the Nepali music
scene, as represented by two singers who are
a study in contrasts, with their diametrically
opposing personalities and attitude towards
Made in India (39 min)
India, 2002, dir - Madhusree Dutta
Symbols of nationalism become a fashionable
commodity as shown in the contemporary visual
cultures in India.
Naata (The Bond) (45 min)
Bombay/India, 2003, dir - K P Jayasankar and
A Monteiro
Naata is about two friends who work on conflict
resolution and communal amity initiatives between
the different communities in Dharavi, reputedly,
the largest "slum" in Asia.
A Night of Prophecy (77 min)
India, 2002, dir-Amar Kanwar
The film travels in the states of Maharashta,
Andhra Pradesh, Nagaland, and Kashmir. Through
poetry that aeaves into the identity of these
states comes the simple moment of prophecy.
Resilient Rhythms (64 min)
India, 2002, dir - Gopal Menon
Deals with a range of dalit responses to their
marginalisation, from armed struggle to electoral
Sand and Water (105 min)
Bangladesh, 2002, dir - Shaheen Dill-Riaz
Winner of the Third best film award at FSA
The middle section of the Jamuna, one of the
three main rivers in Bangladesh, is called "the
deadly paradise".where people live in the
most extreme natural conditions
Shei Rater Kotha Bolte Eshechi (Tale of the
Darkest Night) (43 min)
Bangladesh, 2001, dir - Kawsar Chowdhury
Winner of the Second Best Film Award at FSA
The film tells the story of the killings by
the Pakistani army in Dhaka University. Surviving
members and witnesses speak, and bring alive
the havoc of that night.
Swara - A Bridge over Troubled Water (40
Pakistan, 2003, dir- Samar Minallah
Swara examines and comments on the Pakhtun practice,
in northwest Pakistan, of giving minor girls
in marriage as reparation for serious crimes
such as murder committed by their forefathers.
The Unconscious (19 min)
Maharashtra/India 2003, dir - Manisha Dwivedi
This film is a journey with men who call themselves
kothi. They are men for their families and society,
but for themselves they are women, and wives
of other "macho" men.
Vikas Bandook Ki Naal Se (Development Flows
from the Barrel of the Gun) (54 min)
India, 2003, dir-Biju Toppo and Meghnath
The film gives voice to people affected by development
projects-and repressed by the state for speaking
out. And asks why, in the age of globalisation,
the state has turned from protector to predator.
For more details about Traveling Film South
Asia, including travel schedule, please contact
TFSA Coordinator Reshu Aryal at fax + 977-1-541196
or email fsa@himalassociation.org
Student Films
Prod: by students of Dept. of Social Communications,
Sophia College
Water Problems in Mumbai (15 mins)
An A/V about the conservation and use of water
The Girl streetchild ( A/V 15 mins)
They are the most vulnerable of street children:
prey to men, hunger and loneliness. NGOs like
Anmol, Pavement Club, Yuva and Sneha Sadan step
in where the government has failed but there
are hundreds arriving on the streets of Mumbai
Women and HIV (A/V 15 mins): They become
the rejects of society although they carry no
infection or guilt, yet they are banding together
to give each other support and get on with their
Children and HIV (A/V 15 mins) The story
of Gopal, a 6 year old who have to lead sickly
lives but can grow up if treated normally.
Laws of the Jungle ( 5 mins video) -a
tentative exploration of the issue of communalism
through metaphors
Tamasha artistes (5 minsvideo) The life
of the women of the 'Kolhati' community who
dance the laavni still has a stigma
Contact samsophia@rediffmail.com for copies
or call 23671104
The following UN publications in English are
1) Treating 3 million by 2005, Making it happen,
The WHO Strategy
2) Technical briefs (12)
3) Human Capacity-building plan for scaling
up HIV/AIDS treatment
4) Guidelines for Conduction HIV Sentinel: Serosurveys
among Pregnant Women
and Other Groups--UNAIDS/WHO Working Group on
Global HIV/AIDS and STI Surveillance
5) Guidelines for the Management of Sexually
Transmitted Infections
6) Partnership work: the health service-community
interface for the prevention, care and treatment
of HIV/AIDS: Report of a WHO Consultation 5-6
December 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
All publications can be accessed electronically
through the HIV web site at the following URL:http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/en/
Balbir Pasha in words
Population Services International (PSI)
has published a case study of its HIV/AIDS prevention
campaign called "Balbir Pasha." PSI/India's
Operation Lighthouse Project, with funding from
USAID, implemented the campaign. The study describes
the creation of the Balbir Pasha icon, the evolution
of a behavioral role model, the communication
challenges, the praise and criticism the campaign
received, and the lessons learned. The Balbir
Pasha campaign targeted urban men aged 18-34
in the lower socioeconomic
groups and sought to dispel HIV/AIDS myths,
increase risk perception, generate
discussion, and motivate people to use HIV/AIDS
hotlines, and voluntary counseling and testing
A copy of the case study is available at the
following url http://www.psi.org/resources/pubs/balbir_case_study.pdf
Modi govt not listening
"Listen to what the river is saying"
Cultural artistes and activists, condemn the
move by the Gujarat government to deny the cultural
protests against the riverfront project, globalization
and communalism by involving the 'draconian'
censor board to prevent the performances of
the Samvedan cultural programme.
samvedan cultural programme in Ahmedabad is
an effort by several to strive
and build a youth cultural cadre and a cultural
movement to resist cultural fascism.
The police license to perform in a theatre for
public viewing is cleared by the Censor Board
in Gujarat and Maharashtra only. The script
was submitted on Jan.3. As per their norms,
they replied on Feb.3 asking for a revision
of the script objecting to over 30% of the major
dialogues dealing with riverfront project, globalisation,
'vibrant Gujarat, gender violence, communal
riots, POTA. In a way, the play has been banned!
The script cannot be revised as the desired
changes in the script (constituting the core
messages of the play) cannot be changed. And
of what use is a play or culture if it does
not voice the contemporary concerns of the poor
and initiates a dialogue in society for social
transformation? The play must go on.
Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/INSAF/petition.html
Petition supported by Nandita Das (Delhi), Habib
Tanvir (Bhopal); Gopi Desai, Anand Patwardan,
Rakesh Sharma, Shyam Rajankar, Simantini Dhruv
(Mumbai), Gopal Menon, Gautam Sonti (Bangalore);
Gargi Sen, Shubradeep Chakravarty, Amar Kanwar
(Delhi); Apoorvanand (Delhi), Vara Vara Rao
(Hyderabad), Shabnam Hashmi ANHAD, Anil Chaudhary
PEACE (Delhi), Rajendra Sail INSAF (Raipur)
Contact: Rohit Prajapati / Trupti Shah >37,
Patrakar Colony, Tandalja Road,
Post-Akota, Vadodara - 390 020 Phone No. PARYAVARAN
SURAKSHA SAMITI (O) + 91-265-2412499 / (R) 2320399
Email: rt_manav@sancharnet.in
, rohit_trupti@yahoo.com
From Darkness to Light
By Dheera Kitchlu
Price Rs 100
Available at NAB.
The Neelum Kanga Prize is given to two or three
outstanding blind women achievers every year
since 1983. So far this prize has been awarded
to 53 blind women who have achieved distinction
in academics, teaching, music and blind welfare.
In recent years, blind women have been successfully
entering new fields like law, banking, computers,
community and public service, homeopathy, reiki,
physiotherapy, physical fitness, sports and
even mountaineering, The book, Darkness to
Light, honours these women and hopes to
create an awareness about the capabilities of
differently abled women who deserve to be encouraged
in the job market.
In addition to the English edition, Braille
and audio version of the book were released
at a function organized by the NAB-Finance Raising
Committee .on Jan. 21 at the Horniman Circle
Gardens., Mumbai.
'Health and Human Rights Readers'
by Claudio Schuftan
Pgs. vi +111, Paperback
Price Rs. 80 / $5/ £4 (+ postage: Rs.
20 / International postage: $2)
For Copies write to Centre for Enquiry into
Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT)
This book is a compilation of fifty-two 'Readers
in Human Rights',essays which have been previously
circulated by Claudio on various electronic
list-servers, some of the more recent Readers
having been circulated on the PHA-exchange.
Here Claudio squarely places Human Rights concerns
at the centre of all health work, and gives
the call for "a start-over, a global movement,
a grassroots revolution around the right to
health." The Readers discuss a wide range
of issues such as Human Rights based planning;
the role of the state, UN and civil society;
Health sector reform and the unmet needs of
the poor; etc.
These informative yet provoking Readers would
appeal particularly to health activists, health
professionals and health sector NGO workers
A Directory of Funding Agencies in the Disability
Edited: by Subhash Datrange
Edition: Jan 2003
Price Rs. 300, USD 20 (+postage)
Copies available at Association for Blindness
& Low Vision
email subhashdatrange@yahoo.com
The directory contains basic information on
Foundations, charities, Public Trusts from 17
countries across four continents culled from
over 1 lakh entries. The Directory is divided
into 14 sections according to donor countries.
It also lists 63 schemes of financial assistance
of various ministries of the GoI which support
NGOs in work relating to the welfare of the
disabled, along with a standard specimen form
of application, and a model letter of appeal.
Top |
More News |
New Nature group
Ahmedabad. A new organisation with grassroots,
nature and youth as the focus. PRAGNYA
(meaning intellect) which stands for, Promotion
of Research Activities for Grassroots, nature
and Youth Advancement. You can visit their website
at www.pragnya.org
The main focus of their work
is youth and channelising the youth power in
various activites related to nature and research
activites relatedto technical projects developed
mostly students. We see a lot of opportunity
there to nurture so that it can be converted
and oriented towards better India and better
"Do visit our site and give your opinion
as we would like to work with people who really
care a lot about the envrionment. We have collaborated
with ANALA, Ahmedabad for educating the students
and youth about the nature and making them understand
the value of Nature." Contact Avni Bhatt
The Songachi project is
Kolkata: Melinda Gates made them famous
and as they celebrate 12 years of the renowned
Sonagachi Project on February 15, 2004 mega
celebrations are on the cards. that marks a
milestone in HIV/AIDS intervention projects.
DMSC (Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee),
a sex workers' organization in West Bengal,
have been involved in an internationally acclaimed
HIV program - SHIP (STD/HIV Intervention Program)
since 1992, widely known as the Sonagachi Project.
DMSC took over the management of the SHIP project
from All India Institute of Hygiene and Public
Health in 1999. Since then they have been continuously
mobilizing sex workers in the districts to replicate
the Sonagachi model in other areas of West Bengal.
Drop-in centres for counselling, referral and
STD care services have also been established
among street- based sex workers and their clients
covering a population of over 20,000.
The organization was formed when a need was
felt by the management of SHIP to empower the
sex workers socially, economically, and politically
to effectively strengthen its implementation.
In 1995, DMSC was created to provide a formal
structure to the already growing unity among
sex workers. DMSC is an autonomous organization
and functions as an exclusive forum, to give
the sex workers community a platform to voice
their opinions. With 66 branches, 39 STD clinics
and a strong membership of 60,000 sex workers
across West Bengal, their objective has always
been to raise awareness concerning the AIDS
epidemic, health education, literacy and empowerment
of sex workers and their families.
They are also involved in various non-formal
educational programs both for sex workers as
well as the children of the sex workers through
29 educational centres in and around Kolkata.
As part of empowerment strategy they also promote
talents of sex workers through development of
a cultural wing - 'The Komol Gandhar.' The anti-trafficking
unit controlled by the self-regulatory boards,
work across West Bengal to prevent the forcible
entry of minors and operate two homes to provide
a safe shelter for children in distress. In
addition, for the improvement of economic security
of the sex workers, a co-operative society of
the sex workers was registered in 1995. Presently
there are 5281 members and the annual turnover
is more than rupees five crore.
The celebrations will take place in Kolkata,
India from 15 February 2004 to 3 March 2004.
Contact Swapna Gayen 033-2543 7451/7560/7777
Email: sonagachi@sify.com,
in Mumbai
Mumbai: Udaan was selected for a grant award
by Avert Society-USAID. The grant for Drop-In-Centre
"GHAR" in Mumbai (Ghatkopar), for
People Living with HIV/AIDS - was awarded by
Mr. Robert Blake, Charge D'Affiars & Acting
Ambassador from USA to India. This is the first
ever Drop-In-Centre for People Living with HIV/AIDS
in Mumbai. The grant was received by Vijay Nair,
Vice President on behalf of Udaan Mr. Robert
Blake, while addressing the audience and group
of Journalists - congratulated Udaan for the
hard work it has been doing for People Living
with HIV/AIDS for years in his speech, in an
official function at the offices of SHED in
Dharavi, Mumbai, on 11th December 2003. Mr.
Mahesh Jadhav, garlanded Mr. Angus Simmons,
Consul General, US Embassy (Mumbai) and Ms.
Ujwala, Head of Soudamini Network gave momentos
to both Mr. Robert Blake and Mr. Angus Simmons.
The function concluded with a vote of thanks
from Avert Society. Contact Dilip Vichare, Gen.
Secretary E-mail:
Empowering students vs.
Chennai:EMPOWER has been identified by the
UNICEF as one of the five Core Resource NGOs
at the Tamil Nadu level for covering Tuticorin,
Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari, Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram
Districts to offer resource support to the headmasters
and nodal teachers from 684 schools. At each
District level, the local DIET faculties are
already trained by EMPOWER . EMPOWER offers
Resource support to the DIET at all stages of
So far, EMPOWER in partnership
with the DIET (department of Education) of the
5 districts has conducted 5 District Level Coordination
Meetings at District Headquarters with the participation
of the District Collector, Joint Director of
Health Services, Chief Educational Officer,
District Educational Officers and the School
Health Medical Officers.
In each of the 5 districts,
the organization has completed 14 Headmasters
Sensitization Programs covering about 582 headmasters.
In an one-day Sensitization Program, the need,
the importance and the salient features of the
School AIDS Education Program are explained
in detail. Besides, an exhaustive slide presentation
on Basic facts of HIV/AIDS and the concepts
relating to Life Skills, Adolescent Pressures
and the Basic counseling guidelines to deal
with adolescent problems are dealt in detail
by the Core Resource Persons of EMPOWER .
In the next level, 1 male and
1 female teacher and 1 male and 1 female peer
educators are being imparted training on HIV/AIDS,
Sexuality Education and Life Skills Education
from 684 schools in the 5 districts. The Nodal
teachers and the Peer Educators are expected
to conduct the sessions in the class room environment
following the training manual 'Learning for
Life' .The thrust of this venture is to ensure
the quality of training at all levels and hence
the active involvement of NGOs like EMPOWER
experienced in HIV/AIDS ,Human Sexuality and
Life Skills Training Methodology among adolescents.Contact
A.Sankar, 0461-2310341 Mobile: 094431 48599
Indian NGOs on Global Fund Board
Delhi: Congratulations to Anandi Yuvaraj
for being elected as a boarder member to represent
the communities. living with HIV. With Anandi,
we have two members from India in voting capacity
on the Global Fund Board
Announcement of selected candidates
for the Global Fund NGO positions The Selection
Committee is pleased to announce the candidates
who have been selected for the NGO positions
at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria (GFATM). Board Member from the Communities
Living with the Diseases Anandi Yuvaraj, Program
Officer at India HIV/AIDS Alliance holding a
key role in implementing Community and Home
Based Care programs in Tamil Nadu State. She
founded a network of PLWA in the district level
to address the issues of PLWA with the local
policy makers and leaders. She has experience
in HIV/AIDS counseling and was actively engaged
in HIV/AIDSissues at various forums. She has
a professional background in education and guidance
and counseling. Contact Ms. Anandi Yuvaraj E-mail:
Manifold action from Sneha
Mumbai:A multi-disciplinary team of psychologists,
social workers, doctors and lawyers are working
in tandem with local police to provide a comprehensive
program to help alleviate problems of families
who live in slum conditions. Medical care is
offered to orphaned and deserted children, women
who have been forced to suffer loss of dignity
etc. A crèche in Dharavi set up and run
by workers at Sneha also focuses on the health
of women and mothers through basic nutrition,
healthcare and education Sneha, located
in Dharavi in Mumbai, was founded in 1999 by
a team of medical professionals who were concerned
about the incidence of trauma experienced by
women in slums
Sneha has access to hospital
facilities at LTMG Hospital and the Integrated
Centre for Women and Children. The mobile hospital's
scheduled visits are now indispensable, though
plans for a 24-hour ambulance are still in the
offing. Contact: SNEHA, Urban Health Centre,
60 feet Road, Dharavi, Mumbai 400 017. Phone:
24042627. email: snehdha@vsnl.net
WB team visit to BLP
Mumbai:The World Bank assisted 2nd National
Leprosy Elimination Project (Phase - II) was
implemented in Maharashtra State to accomplish
the integration of leprosy services with general
health care services. An evaluation of the World
Bank assisted Project was undertaken by a team
of experts from World Bank,WHO and Government
of India (including the Dy Director General
of Health Services, Leprosy) on 30th & 31st
October 2003.
The team visited Bombay Leprosy
Project (BLP) to assess the implementation of
the leprosy programme in the context of integration
in urban areas. The team discussed at length
the operational and technical problems in achieving
functional integration
in urban areas due to the complexity of health
services. Dr R Ganapati made an audio-visual
presentation at BLP's Training & Research
Centre highlighting the role of NGOs in augmenting
the services related to prevention of disability
(POD) particularly in rural areas where the
POD services has not been practiced effectively.
The problem due to migration of population posing
a major
hurdle in undertaking special campaigns was
emphasized. The team applauded the contributions
made by BLP by involving the medical colleges
in leprosy control programme.
Mumbai: A big procession was taken out on
the first day to focus the attention of the
common man as well as the Government officials
towards the day to day problems faced by the
disabled. The rally started from Gate way of
India and terminated at Churchgate. About 1,000
disabled patients of all categories participated
in this rally. Bombay Leprosy Project also joined
the rally and took an active part. The highlight
was that for the first time leprosy affected
/ cured persons went hand-in-hand with the other
disabled. The problems faced by the Leprosy
affected are much more serious than the other
disabled due to the added stigma. With this,
Bombay Leprosy Project's object to integrate
the unwanted and less fortunate people of the
society was achieved to a certain extent.
Matrimonal for PLWHA
We are looking for the links, email ID,
Addresses of networks, associations, groups
and Individuals who can provide information,
guidance and support to HIV positive male and
females interested in finding partners/ proposals
for marriage. We are also looking for the current
legislation and laws in India under which the
marriage between the two positive or agreeing
partners can be solicited without any interference
from the legal guardians and others. Contact:
SPARSH (Society For Prevention of AIDS and Reinforcing
Self-Help)B-163,Indira Nagar, Lucknow- 226016,
Email: sparshaids@hotmail.com
Gates foundation in HIV prevention deal
Mumbai: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
and the State of Maharashtra, through the Maharashtra
State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), yesterday
announced the signing of a memorandum of understaning
(MoU) to expand access to HIV prevention in
the state.
The prevention activities will be funded by
Avahan, the Gates Foundation's India
AIDS initiative and augment the ongoing HIV
prevention efforts by the MSACS.
Avahan will provide grants to launch prevention
programmes in Mumbai and 12 districts with high
HIV prevalence. The Gates Foundation will announce
the specific grant recipients for Maharashtra
in the coming months. The initiative is part
of the foundation's commitment of $200 million
to support HIV prevention in India, of which
grants totalling $67.5 million were announced
in October 2003. "The MoU is the culmination
of six months of work between the Gates Foundation
and Maharashtra where we have identified specific
gaps in HIV prevention that the foundation can
help to fill," said Digvijay Khanvilkar,
Health Minister. (Source: AIDS-INDIA eFORUM]
Obituary (box)
Bangalore: With a lot of sadness and grief
I inform you of the sad and untimely demise
of the head of The Freedom Foundation's Hyderabad
operations and site Director (Hyderabad) Mr.
Karl Sequeira. Mr. Sequeira died of a cardiac
arrest in France in February
Contact Ashok Rau, Executive Trustee/CEO, Freedom
Foundation-India, 080 5440134,5443114(Dir) 5449766,
Mobile(Cell)-98452 47616
Adolescents and Youth
Bangalore: A two year project, "Adolescents
and Youth-Sexuality, Gender and Reproductive
Rights" has been taken up by the Concerned
for Working Children. The project has been
taken up under the MacArthur fellowship, to
be implemented throughout Karnataka. It aims
to provide adolescents and youth relevant information
on sexuality, gender and reproductive health
and rights. It also plans to facilitate the
development of strategies and tools to increase
levels of sexual and reproductive health knowledge
with special focus on child marriage, female
foeticide and HIV/AIDS among around 3000 underprivileged
adolescents and youth in the State.
Petersberg Prize For ICT and Development
The Development Gateway invites you to submit
nominations for the Petersberg Prize. The 100,000
euro prize will recognize the most outstanding
contribution to social and economic development
using Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) during the last ten years. Nominations
are due by March 22, 2004. Learn more at: http://www.developmentgateway.org/prize
A new SHAN
Gujarat: On January 29, Members of PSH partners
established network known as SHAN(Sexual Health
Action Network). There are total 89 partners
are doing intervention on HIV/AIDS in Gujarat
with the help of PSU,GSACS and NACO. Presentlythree
members have been selected from Five Zone of
Gujarat. SHAN has been established with the
Vision to create more justification for the
program on HIV/AIDS in Gujarat.For further information
contect Tel. (02772)235196, Mobil-98255 55854.
ILO, GoI launch program to fight Child Labor
Delhi: February 17, 2004 The International
Labor Organization, the government of India
and the U.S. Department of Labor launched yesterday
in New Delhi a $40 million program to help eliminate
hazardous child labor in India, where 11.2 million
children work.
The project, financed by the Indian and U.S.
governments, targets 80,000 children below 18
years of age working in hazardous industries
such as manufacturing fireworks, beedi cigarettes,
footwear, locks, matches, bricks, silk and glassware.
It is expected to be implemented for the next
three years in the states of Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
"Child labor is not inevitable," said
ILO Director General Juan Somavia. "We
know there is no simple solution. However, strategies
have to reflect national specificities and be
backed by political will. We must remain fixed
on the goal of 'work for parents,
education for children, opportunities for young
people.'" Under the project, children working
in hazardous occupations will be identified,
withdrawn from their jobs and will receive education,
social and financial support (ILO release, Feb.
Voicing +ve concerns
Chennai: Women living with HIV/AIDS in Tamilnadu
held a public hearing to voice their concerns
and initiate dialogues with various state agencies.
The event, hosted by the National Commission
for Women, was held Thursday Feb 19 at Hotel
in Chennai.
There were several presentations by members
of the Positive Women's Network, HIV positive
women from around the state, and representatives
from INP+ and TNP+. The event was moderated
by Ms. Kausalya, President of PWN+.
As a member of the audience noted: "It
was a moving experience, and I was both anguished
by the testimonies and inspired by the women's
courage and determination to hold the concerned
authorities and agencies around the state accountable."
xWomen for Women International
requests your assistance in distributing the
attached Call for Papers for our upcoming academic/practitioner
journal on gender and development. This issue
will focus on gender and microlending,and highlight
some areas that have not gotten a lot of attention
likeIslamic Banking, Shari'ah lending, and role
of religion in defining lending methodology,
etc. The submission deadline is April 1.Contact
Student volunteers for AIDS
Delhi: AIESEC, a unique and growing network
of 25,000 students working on the lines of youth
engagement and volunteerism have been working
with various organizations like CSR,VANI, Naz
Foundation India Trust, Pravah, PEACE, Save
the Children.
for the past nine years.
Now, AIESEC in Delhi University has initiated
the project Aabhas - GeneratingThought and Action",
through which they will arrange for internships
for youth in NGOs working with HIV/AIDS issues.
The Expected Output of this Project is An Awareness
Generation Campaign on the issue of HIV/AIDS.
The geographical focus area of the project is
The organization requires technical know on
how to dissipate information on the issue of
HIV/AIDS. AIESEC can provide young international
professional and students of Delhi University
who are interested in working on the project.
We have already received assistance from Naz
Foundation and SHARAN for the project and would
like to invite other organizations to partner
with us.
Contact: Amit Agarwal, Global Internship Programme,
AIESEC in Delhi University The Hindustan Times
House, 8th Floor, 18-20 Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi 110 001
AIDS victims form network
Ahmedabad/Surat: With an express aim to
address the issues and concerns of HIV + people,
over 300 people with varied backgrounds but
diagnosed as having AIDS virus, have formed
Gujarat State Network of People (GSNP)
living with HIV/AIDS in the textile city.
Their motto is to collectively aim at not only
income generation but also to instil among themselves
social dignity. GSNP members have genuine understanding
of the problems faced by HIV + patients and
their endeavour has given a new dimension to
AIDS advocacy.
Inspired by the Surat initiative Gujarat State
AIDS Control Society (GSACS) is planning such
a network of HIV + people in Surat , Palanpur,
Vadodara, Gandhidham, Bhavnagar and Rajkot .
The formation of the network of HIV +ve people
made more sense for HIV advocacy as they are
more realistic in their approach and specific
about the needs of people with AIDS.
Already. a group of 18 people with HIV + in
Rajkot have said they wish to develop a network
in Rajkot ",HIV + Chotaniya Heena who came
to know about the GSNPrecently said.
V-Care Day
Mumbai: To celebrate the tenth year of "caring
for cancer" V Care, an emotional support
group for cancer patients and their families
held a series of events in February--ancer Survivors
Day."We also take this opportunity to spread
the message that people can and do survive cancer
and lead a normal meaningful life. Cancer Survivors'
Day was started in India by V Care in 1994,
and is now being commemorated in several cities
all over the country including Delhi, Chandigarh,
Kolkata, Jaipur, Bangalore and Coimbatore. Starting
with a "Walk with V-Care - a step towards
cancer survival" on Feb 14 evening at Worli
Sea Face toflag off the Cancer Survivors' Day
celebrations with Dilip Sardesai (ex-cricketer)
and Giants International. This was followed
by a Children's Funfair and Party on Feb 14
when children under treatment and their families
celebrated Cancer Survivors Day at Priyadarshini
Park. Ward Visits were followed by a panel discussion
"Zindagi Tum Kyun Gayi",for cancer
patients, with eminent oncologists including
Dr. Badwe, Dr. Purvesh Parikh and Dr. Rajiv
Sarin "V Care at Sea" on Feb 19 was
when patients and their families sailed out
at sea along with the V Care team. "Dealing
with Fears in Cancer" on Feb 20 morning
at the British Council Auditorium featured a
panel of doctors including chairperson Dr. F.
Udwadia, Dr. Dinshaw, Dr. S. Pradhan, Dr. V.
Haribhakti, Dr. R. Soonawala, Dr. Murli Kamat,
Dr. Roshni Chinoy and Asha Kapadia. Topics covered
included self-image and fear of diagnosis, fertility
and sexuality, disfigurement, fear of recurrence,
heredity and lifestyles, second opinions, the
role of voluntary movement, and financial aid.Presentation
of Victor Awards on Sat Feb 21at Horniman Circle
Gardens, and attended by Dr. K Dinshaw, director
of the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mr.Nana Chudasama,
is a tribute to the glowing courage of real
life heroes.The V-Care events were sponsored
by Hutchison Max Telecom Pvt. Ltd., Bristol
Myers Squibb Co. Tata Steel, Suman Ramesh Tulsiani
Charitable Trust, BPL mobile communication Ltd.,
British Council, Leverina, Himalayan Natural
Mineral Water, Rotary Club of Mumbai -Queencity,
Tata Memorial >Hospital, United Apparel,
D.S Mittle and Giants.Contact 9821058678 / 22188828
or Sandhaya Vora at 23672085 / 9821058679.
Call for law suits all over Asia-PHM
Mumbai: A major gathering of health activists
in Mumbai plans to call for law suits all over
Asia against drug multinationals ho have been
using patent laws that makes essential and life
saving medicines expensive and inaccessible
to ow-income consumers.
The call for a legal campaign against drug patents
is part of an international effort to build
moral pressure on companies and force them to
place the lives of people before corporate profits.
The People'sHealth Movemen tmade a call to make
medicines affordable and accessible: The International
Health Forum for the defense of People's Health,
held on 14 and 15 January in the run up to the
World Social Forum, also called upon governments
all over the world to put health at the center
of all their policy making and priorities. Over
700 delegates from 50 countries are expected
to attend the Forum organized by the People's
Health Movement.
People's Charter for Health, the guiding spirit
of the People's Health Movement is the largest
consensus document on health in the world. Jan
Swasthya Abhiyan, the Indian collaborator of
the global PHM facilitated the International
health Forum.
Contact:98450 91319 Unni or 2614 7727 , 2613
2027 (CEHAT)
Visitors at BLP
Mumbai: Mr Hiroyuki Kato, of Bombay Japanese
School, accompanied by teachers and the Principal
of Japanese School visited Bombay Leprosy Project
(BLP) on 21st January 2004.
Basic and preliminary information on leprosy
about transmission of leprosy, BLP's services
to disabled persons living in rural areas of
Thane and Raigad districts by using "Mobile
Service Units" was explained. Aids and
appliances like various types of splints, MCR
sandals, dressing kits were demonstrated.
Activities of BLP's Vocational Rehabilitation
Centre in Pratiksha Nagar,were shown by the
trainer himself, a physically challenged person.
Apart from this, the rehabilitation of the female
cured leprosy individuals undergoing training
in tailoring using sewing machines donated by
the Consulate of Japan was also demonstrated.
Will Medical Fraternity Manage Leprosy?
Mumbai: At a Seminar in the KEM Hospital on
10th Feb. 2004, various techniques employed
by NGOs in Mumbai and a few other cities to
involve the medical profession in the total
management of leprosy were discussed. Investigations
carried out over 27 years and documented by
Bombay Leprosy Project ( BLP ) have clearly
shown that medical colleges, practicing dermatologists
and physicians are ready to accept and manage
all aspects of leprosy, provided efforts are
made with tenacity to integrate the isolated
subject of leprosy with the main stream of medicine.
Dr R Ganapati, Director BLP pointed out that
the general medical sector, consisting of a
very large segment of colleges, teaching faculty,
post graduates,specialists and general pactitioners
should be considered as a voluntary agency,
as they deal with enormous number of leprosy
patients. However , this sector is not as cohesive
as the conventional NGOs.Their involvement is
crucial particularly in today's context of "integration"
of leprosy into the general health services.
The seminar was organized by Bombay Leprosy
Project, IAL Maharashtra Branch and the Dept
of PSM of GS Medical College & KEM Hospital.
Financial support was received from Bank of
Contact BLP blproject@vsnl.net
Women's Day programme- March 8
Mumbai: All Mumbai Women's Organisations met
and it was agreed that "given that this
year's 8th March is being observed against the
background of the general elections, it was
decided to appeal to women to oppose and defeat
the communal and fundamentalist forces represented
by the BJP-Shiv Sena and allies. The focus would
be on the adverse impact of these forces on
women's rights and equality and the growing
violence experienced by women during communal
attacks. Many suggestions were made as to the
issues that needed to be highlighted. The issues
and demands will be finalised in the next meeting
and will be brought out as a joint leaflet.
It was also decided to have a hall programme
preceded by a rally. The venue suggested are
the Kamgaar Kalyan Bhavan halls in Parel, or
otherwise Worli or Naigaum. The suggestion for
the programme was to have two speakers, a short
play or film etc. A contribution of Rs 500/-
per organisation was also fixed. The resolution
of the above was endorsed by Bharatiya Mahila
Federation, FAOW, Stree Mukti Sanghatana, Women's
Centre, Awaaz -e-Niswan, YWCA, Swadhar, Vacha,
Majlis, Maharashtra Mahila Parishad, Samajwadi
Mahila Sabha, Mahila Dakshata Samiti, WRAG,
Sakhya, Akshara, Forum for Women's Health, Yshwantrao
Chavan Mahila Vyaspeeth, Special Cell for Women
& Children and Centres for Women's Studies.
Contact Sonia Gill (AIDWA)
Eunuch activists hold rally
Mumbai: The huge community of eunuchs
in Mumbai is a worried lot: scores of them are
falling victim to AIDS. Leaders of the hijras,
or eunuchs, say that some 250 of them have already
died in Mumbai in the last six years and the
figure could be as high as 4,000 in the rest
of the country. In February eunuchs took to
the streets here to highlight their problems,
HIV and AIDS being just one of them. Shabnam
Guru of the Dai Welfare Society said
many of the HIV victims quietly went back to
their villages in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to
die. "Nearly 72 percent of the 3,000-odd
hijra community that has been tested in Mumbai
in the last four years is HIV positive,"
said Vivek Anand, chief executive officer of
Humsafar Trust, which works with gays
and lesbians
Carrying placards demanding equal rights, the
rally attracted a great deal of attention at
the Bandra railway station in northwest Mumbai
where the marchers congregated. Activists view
the high prevalence of HIV in the community
as a consequence of the prejudices eunuchs face.
Once hit by the disease, a majority of them
take to begging and prostitution, which in turn
makes them more vulnerable to HIV infection.
"What is the alternative? How can they
survive? Leave alone rights, the eunuchs are
not even allowed to travel in the women's compartment
of local trains," said Anand. Indo-Asian
News Service.
Nirmala Niketan Sings!
Mumbai: To kick off their 50th anniversary celebrations,
Nirmala Niketan had a swinging week of music.
Starting with Bismillah Khan on the shenai,
the tempo quickened to Jagjit singh and the
play Tumhari Amrita and ended with a rocking
Falguni Nite on Feb. All the events were held
at the Nehru Centre and were part of their fund
raising activities.
NGOs Run for the Marathon (3 pix)
Mumbai: There were many many more than
the camera could capture. Some of them ran for
the heck of it
some ran because they were
promised grants, some ran because they had sponsors.
A lot of them got sponsors for T-shirts and
the run itself
but the chaos at the Azad
Maidan was unbelievable. People searching for
their groups, an entertainment program of sorts
going on , no directions till the last minute
and no evidence of any food or shelter in sight.
Republic Day celebrations
Mumbai: Children and parents in 34 slums
around Bandra East celebrated Republic Day at
the Childrens Complex run by the National Society
for Clean Cities-India. The cultural programme
consisted of a koli dance followed by several
other items done by the slum children. Then
came a fancy Dress and a dance by Deaf children
of the Dance Centre.
The Society has a very active balwadi with a
nutrition programme, a creative arts centre,
a library with speech, music and drama clubs,
workshops on film making and it sponsors students
to go for higher studies. Their skills-oriented
classes include training for beauticians, mehendi
and fabric painting, tailoring and embroidery,
computer training and a well-staffed medical
centre. For adults there is an adults literacy
programme. The very active society has now started
branches in Khar-Danda and Ghatkopar. Contact
KCNainan 26473742
Districtwise mapping of HIV/AIDS
Surat: To document and map ares with
a high concentration of individuals practicing
high-risk behaviour and to identify vulnerable
groups in the state, a mapping exercise was
commissioned by the Gujarat State AIDS Control
Society. Ninety-one NGOs identifieid buy the
Gujarat Insisttite fof Dvevelopment Research,
Ahmedabad using over 10,000 key informants and
methods like snowballing, group discussions
and direct observation identified 2500 HRB sites
and 30+ vulnerable groups outside Ahmedababd
and Surat cities.
The broad results indicated that 55% sites were
of core transmitter groups like female sex workers
and MSMs, with the rest being bridge groups.
Two outstanding characteristics were that most
of the latter were in the informal sector and
belonged to the lower socio-economic strata.
In fact 48% of the sites only were in the urban
areas and 42% in the rural areas with 10% on
the highway. Contact Ramakrishna Mishra (GIDR)
Carrom tournament for partially
Mumbai: The tournament was held at the
National Sports Club of the Blind (NSCB) in
Dahisar, and was sponsored by Bombay Community
Public Trust (BCPT) from Nov 7-9. The winners
were: Men's singles--Harish Kharat; Men's doubles--Harish
Kharat and Yatin Patankar and Mixed doubles---
Chandrakant Mithagari and Shweta Kode. Contact
Jadiyar 20520284/ 22185416
Correction: Please note the
tel no of Maher (as reported in Vol.1, Issue
4) should read 02137 --252174 and 253839. .
The address is MAHER, Vadhu Budruk, Pune - 412
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